4 Things You Can Do to Help Your Child Avoid Cavities

Cavities can cause your child pain and discomfort. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help protect your child from these problems. Taking your child to the dentist in Jacksonville, FL, and practicing good oral hygiene at home is important. Here’s what you need to know about helping your child avoid cavities.

1. Stay Up to Date With Dental Appointments

Get your child’s teeth cleaned at the dentist’s office as often as the dentist recommends. The dentist may recommend your child to come in once yearly or twice per year (depending on their age and need). Either way, keep up with these appointments. During these problems, the dentist will clean your child’s teeth and identify ways your child can maintain healthier teeth overall.

2. Brush Their Teeth or Monitor Their Toothbrushing Habits

Until they’re about seven years old, most children aren’t capable of brushing their own teeth very well. They need their parents to brush their teeth for them.

When your child is old enough to brush their own teeth, they still need someone to monitor them to ensure they’re doing the job right and consistently. Stay up to date with your child’s habits. Watch when you see them brushing their teeth, to be sure they’re doing it properly.

3. Encourage Sugarless Snacks

Keep sugarless snacks (like peanut butter crackers and cheese sticks) on hand. Sugarless snacks are better for oral hygiene and can help your child avoid cavities.

4. Encourage Your Child To Tell You About Tooth Pain

If your child is in discomfort because of a problem with their tooth, you want to be the first person to know. Encourage your child to tell you when something goes wrong.

To make an appointment for pediatric preventative dental care in Jacksonville, FL, call Mandarin Dentistry today.

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