Take a Look at the Most Common Misunderstandings About Dental Implants

Are you considering smile restoration with dental implants in Jacksonville, FL? Dental implants are one of the most effective and long-term solutions for missing teeth. However, this common procedure is not always well-understood. Take a look at a few of the most common misunderstandings about dental implants.

False: Dental implants are a temporary way to fix your smile.

Dental implants are not temporary. The placement of a dental implant is considered a permanent treatment. The only thing that typically has to be replaced is the outward crown after several years due to wear, but the implant itself should last a lifetime for most patients. However, there are some factors that can affect the lifespan of a dental implant, such as:

  • Proper oral hygiene
  • Regular dental checkups
  • The health of your gums
  • The type of implant you choose
  • Your overall health

False: Dental implants are not a good option for most patients.

Some patients are not ideal candidates for dental implants, but this is actually a rare occurrence. Dental implants may not be recommended if a patient has a high risk of implant failure. For example, if the patient has highly volatile blood glucose levels, this can impede healing and heighten the risks of infection. Otherwise, most people are good candidates regardless of their age.

False: You have to get an implant for every missing tooth.

Single-tooth implants are common. However, implants can also be used to support a series of teeth. For example, you can opt for implant-supported dentures or implant-supported dental bridges. These procedures can be more economical for patients that have lost all or most of their permanent teeth.

Discuss Dental Implants with an Experienced Jacksonville Dentist

Choosing dental implants can be a big decision, and we’re here to help you every step of the way as an experienced Jacksonville dentist. If you would like to schedule a consultation, reach out to our office at Mandarin Dentistry.


Young man losing a tooth

Lost a Permanent Tooth? Here’s What You Should Know  

Oh no, you’ve lost a permanent tooth! This experience can be a scary one, but it helps to know what to do. Taking fast action can even help save your tooth, if you work closely with your dentist in Jacksonville FL. Here’s what you should know about fixing a lost permanent tooth.

What to Do When You Lose a Permanent Tooth

The first thing you should do when you lose a permanent tooth is to remain calm. Don’t panic! The calmer you are, the easier it will be for you to think clearly to take the next steps.

Find the Tooth and Clean It

Find the tooth, where ever it is on the ground. When you find it, pick it up by the crown (not the root). Rinse the tooth off in sterile saline solution, milk or in your own saliva.

Store the Tooth Properly

Once the tooth has been rinsed, it’s important to store the tooth properly. The best place to store the tooth is in the same hole that it just vacated in your mouth. Insert the tooth back in the hole, root down, then bite down gently on the tooth to keep it in place.

If you’re not able to do this, the second best place for your tooth is in the cheek of your mouth. Put the tooth in the space between your cheek and teeth, and hold it there until you get to the dentist.

Head to the Dentist Right Away

Speed is key when you’ve lost a permanent tooth. Head to the dentist as quickly as possible to get your tooth treated and potentially re-inserted back in your mouth. Call the dentist to let them know you’re on your way.

A Lost Permanent Tooth Is a Dental Emergency

When you lose a permanent tooth, you’re having a dental emergency. You may be able to save the tooth, but only if you visit your emergency dentist in Jacksonville, FL. At Mandarin Dentistry, we help our patients through dental emergencies like this one. If you’ve lost a permanent tooth, call us for help as soon as possible.