Why A Good Electric Toothbrush Can Offer Superior Cleaning Action

You may have heard that a good electric toothbrush can keep your teeth cleaner than a standard manual toothbrush. It’s true! Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing debris from your teeth than standard manual toothbrushes.

If you’re considering buying an electric toothbrush, it’s important to understand why these toothbrushes are so much better. As your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, we’re happy to answer your questions. Here’s what you need to know.

Electric Toothbrushes Make Tiny Movements You Can’t Make

When you brush your teeth with a manual toothbrush, you likely scrub back and forth to fight the plaque and tartar. Electric toothbrushes don’t operate this way. Some use oscillating-rotating technology, which means the head rotates as it cleans your teeth. Other toothbrushes use sonic technology to vibrate as you brush.

Regardless of the type of electric toothbrush you’re using, the tiny movements the head makes can be much more effective than the back-and-forth scrubbing that we use to clean our teeth ourselves.

Electric Toothbrushes Time Your Teeth Cleaning

Typically, electric toothbrushes will time your toothbrushing and let you know when you’ve been brushing for two minutes. This is because you’re supposed to brush for two minutes each time you do it. With help from this timer, many people brush their teeth for longer with an electric toothbrush than they do with a manual one.

Some Toothbrushes Even Track Your Brushing Activity

Some toothbrushes know when you’re cleaning various parts of your mouth and use an app to track your activity. These toothbrushes can use this information to provide you with helpful tips as you clean your teeth.

Want more information about which type of toothbrush is right for you? Ask your dentist for a toothbrush recommendation the next time that you come in for a dental cleaning in Jacksonville, FL. The professionals at Mandarin Dentistry are here to help.

What to Do If You Chip Your Tooth

Chipping a tooth can be rough for anyone. Not only might you be in pain, but now you have to worry about whether your tooth is going to survive. While it might be hard at first, the best thing for both your oral and mental health is to spring into action. Once you know you’ve done what you can do, you can breathe a little easier.

Protect Your Mouth

If you chip a tooth in Jacksonville, FL, it starts with rinsing out your mouth so you can get rid of any tooth debris. If you’re bleeding, a warm water rinse might help you prevent infection. You should also apply pressure with a cloth or pad to help stop the bleeding. Finally, use cold compresses to reduce swelling.

Do You Need Professional Help If You Chip a Tooth?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. If you have a small chip in your tooth, you might feel comfortable just waiting to see if it gets any worse. If it’s a larger chip that’s not causing any oral pain, you might cover it with dental wax so the jagged edges of the tooth don’t hurt your cheeks or lips.

While these are understandable reactions, though, the reality is that a chipped tooth is now more vulnerable to damage. Avoiding hard or chewy foods can certainly reduce your odds that it will get worse, but you shouldn’t take chances. Having the tooth extracted is not only going to be an extra expense, it can have irreparable effects on the structural integrity of your teeth and gums. You might end up needing to get an implant for a tooth that could have otherwise been saved.

Visit an Emergency Dentist in Jacksonville, FL

If you’ve chipped a tooth and don’t want to wait to see a professional, you can find emergency dentists in Jacksonville, FL. Our team understands that dental issues can pop up at any time and that urgent care and emergency rooms are unlikely to have the tools or the expertise to treat it. If you want to have the best chance of saving a tooth, contact us when it happens, so let us show you what we can do.