I Brushed My Teeth – Why Does My Breath Still Smell Bad?

Bad breath is more than just embarrassing. Did you know that bad breath can indicate something is wrong with your dental health? It’s true. Consistent bad breath can be a sign of a problem. If you’re experiencing bad breath that isn’t helped by brushing, your dentist in Jacksonville, FL can help. The professionals at Mandarin Dentistry can diagnose your condition and identify the next steps. Here’s what you need to know.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by many things. Some examples of the causes of bad breath:

  • Gum disease. Gum disease is when the gums become inflamed due to bacteria in the mouth. Gum disease is caused by infection. All that bacteria can cause bad breath that won’t go away even after you’ve brushed your teeth.
  • Cavity. A cavity is a pit in your tooth enamel caused by tooth decay. Cavities can cause bad breath until they’re treated with fillings.
  • Dental infection. An infection inside your tooth can cause pain, swelling, and an odor. Dental infections are a serious problem that requires treatment as soon as possible.

Don’t forget that bad breath can also be caused by things you’ve eaten. Onions and garlic can cause bad breath long after a meal because the food enters the bloodstream. Notice when you have bad breath to determine whether your food is causing it.

Contact Your Dentist If You Have Bad Breath

If you have bad breath that won’t go away, you need a dental cleaning in Jacksonville FL. Call Mandarin Dentistry today to make an appointment.

Smoking and Your Oral Hygiene: What to Know

Did you know that smoking is bad for your oral hygiene? There are many ways that smoking can change your mouth to increase your risk for various oral health conditions. Knowing the impact that smoking can have on your mouth can help you decide how to manage your oral health, whether that means making more regular visits to the dentist or even stopping smoking. As yourdentist in Jacksonville, FL, the professionals at Mandarin Dentistry can help you determine the best way to care for your mouth.

Smoking Causes Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is what happens when your mouth doesn’t produce as much saliva as it should. Saliva is an important part of the environment in your mouth. Saliva helps clean your mouth and wash away bacteria. Without adequate saliva, you can experience a variety of problems, including difficulty speaking and swallowing, problems with digestion, and overall discomfort. Dry mouth can also contribute to poor dental health because of the role saliva plays. You need saliva to help keep your teeth clean.

Smoking Increases Risk of Gum Disease

Smoking weakens your immune system, making it harder to fight infection. This puts you at higher risk for conditions like gum disease, which can cause gum recession, bleeding in the gums, and even tooth loss.

Smoking Can Cause Halitosis

Halitosis is a condition that causes very bad breath, even after you’ve brushed your teeth. Smoking can put you at higher risk for halitosis because of the potential for dry mouth and gum disease.

Get Help from Your Dental Professional

If you smoke, it’s very important to see your dentist twice annually forregular dental checkups in Jacksonville, FL. At Mandarin Dentistry, we’re committed to protecting your dental health. Call today to make an appointment.

Why A Good Electric Toothbrush Can Offer Superior Cleaning Action

You may have heard that a good electric toothbrush can keep your teeth cleaner than a standard manual toothbrush. It’s true! Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing debris from your teeth than standard manual toothbrushes.

If you’re considering buying an electric toothbrush, it’s important to understand why these toothbrushes are so much better. As your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, we’re happy to answer your questions. Here’s what you need to know.

Electric Toothbrushes Make Tiny Movements You Can’t Make

When you brush your teeth with a manual toothbrush, you likely scrub back and forth to fight the plaque and tartar. Electric toothbrushes don’t operate this way. Some use oscillating-rotating technology, which means the head rotates as it cleans your teeth. Other toothbrushes use sonic technology to vibrate as you brush.

Regardless of the type of electric toothbrush you’re using, the tiny movements the head makes can be much more effective than the back-and-forth scrubbing that we use to clean our teeth ourselves.

Electric Toothbrushes Time Your Teeth Cleaning

Typically, electric toothbrushes will time your toothbrushing and let you know when you’ve been brushing for two minutes. This is because you’re supposed to brush for two minutes each time you do it. With help from this timer, many people brush their teeth for longer with an electric toothbrush than they do with a manual one.

Some Toothbrushes Even Track Your Brushing Activity

Some toothbrushes know when you’re cleaning various parts of your mouth and use an app to track your activity. These toothbrushes can use this information to provide you with helpful tips as you clean your teeth.

Want more information about which type of toothbrush is right for you? Ask your dentist for a toothbrush recommendation the next time that you come in for a dental cleaning in Jacksonville, FL. The professionals at Mandarin Dentistry are here to help.

What’s Causing My Bad Breath? Can I Do Anything About It?

Bad breath can be embarrassing. Most of the time it’s easy to get rid of, but when it becomes a chronic problem, it’s time to get help from your dentist in Jacksonville, FL. At Mandarin Dentistry, we can help you manage and even get rid of your bad breath. Here’s what to know about treating bad breath, and how to avoid it in the future.

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath is generally caused by food particles and bacteria in the mouth. Sometimes, bad breath occurs when the food you’ve eaten gets into the blood stream. Bad breath can also be caused by a variety of dental problems and conditions, such as:

  • Periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an infection that causes inflammation of the gums. Periodontal disease is caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to chronic bad breath.
  • Cavities and infection. If you have cavities or an infection in your tooth, you may have bad breath until the problem is resolved.
  • Dry mouth. Dry mouth can lead to a buildup of bacteria in the mouth, which can in turn lead to bad breath. Dry mouth can be caused by dehydration, smoking, medication and other lifestyle factors.

How can I get rid of bad breath?

If you’re fighting chronic bad breath, brushing twice daily may not be enough to get rid of the problem. Talk to your dentist to find out what’s causing your bad breath. If it’s caused by a problem such as periodontal disease or a cavity, your dentist should be able to identify the problem quickly and resolve it.

How can I prevent bad breath?

The best way to prevent bad breath is to brush your teeth twice daily, floss once daily, and see your dentist twice annually. It’s also helpful to get periodic tutorials on how to brush your teeth and floss (to ensure that you’re doing it right).

Have bad breath that won’t go away? Contact your dentist.

At Mandarin Dentistry, we offer dental cleaning services in Jacksonville, FL. We can help you fight bad breath. Call today to make an appointment and schedule your routine dental cleaning and examination.

4 Things You Can Do To Stop From Getting Cavities

Cavities are bad for your teeth and uncomfortable as well, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from cavities. As your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, we’ve got advice that can help protect you from cavities. We also provide dental care that can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. Here’s what to know about how you can protect yourself from cavities.

1. Avoid Sugary Drinks and Foods

Consuming sugar can lead to tooth decay, especially if you don’t brush your teeth well when you’re done. Avoiding sugary foods and drinks can help with this. Avoid desserts whenever possible, or purchase sugar-free foods for your desserts instead. Look for sugar-free drink alternatives as well.

2. Brush and Floss Well

You probably already brush your teeth twice daily and floss once per day. But are you brushing your teeth well? Maintaining good brushing and flossing habits can help you prevent plaque and tartar from building up on your tooth enamel, which can help keep your teeth free from bacteria and ultimately, free from cavities. If you’re not sure whether you’re doing a good job brushing, ask your dentist to give you a tutorial the next time you go in for a dental exam and cleaning.

3. Get Dental Sealants

Dental sealants can protect your teeth from bacteria and dental decay. Talk to your dentist to find out whether dental sealants are a good option for you.

4. See the Dentist Regularly

You should be seeing the dentist for preventative dental treatment in Jacksonville, FL, or more often if directed by your dentist. When was the last time you saw the dentist? Call Mandarin Dentistry to make an appointment for your next dental cleaning.