My Teeth Are Stained. What Can I Do?

When your teeth are stained, it’s not to feel a little self-conscious. Even people with excellent oral hygiene habits can develop stains on their tooth enamel over time. Your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, can help. At Mandarin Dentistry, we provide a range of resources to help keep your teeth white, bright, and beautiful. Below are three things you can do to get rid of the stains on your teeth and keep your teeth white.

Brush twice daily.

Brush your teeth twice daily to eliminate the bacteria and food particles that cause plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque and tartar can contribute to stains on your teeth. Once the stains are there, they can be hard to eliminate.

Brushing twice daily also helps remove particles from staining foods like tomatoes and berries. This can also help keep your teeth white.

See the dentist twice yearly.

See the dentist twice per year to get the plaque and tartar removed from your tooth enamel. During the dental appointment, the dentist will polish your teeth, making the enamel slicker.

It’s harder for food to stick to your tooth enamel when they’ve recently been polished. Ultimately, getting your teeth polished by the dentist can help them stay whiter and brighter.

Get your teeth whitened. 

No matter how well you care for your teeth, stains can still happen. This is why it helps to get your teeth professionally whitened by the dentist. For teeth whitening services in Jacksonville, FL, contact Mandarin Dentistry. Our fast, efficient teeth whitening can help you maintain white, bright, beautiful teeth. Call today to make an appointment for professional teeth whitening services.

3 Reasons to Schedule Back to School Dental Appointments

Back to school season is right around the corner! If you haven’t scheduled a back-to-school appointment with your child’s dentist in Jacksonville, FL, now is the time!

At Mandarin Dentistry, we’re committed to helping your child maintain healthy teeth and gums. Back to school season is the perfect time to take your child for a regular dental appointment. Below are three reasons to make your child an appointment to see the dentist in the coming weeks.

1. Scheduling dental exams at the same time each year makes remembering your appointments easy.

It’s easy to forget your child’s annual visit to the dentist, but if you schedule one of their dental appointments at the same time each year, then remembering to make the appointment becomes easier. Getting into a routine makes seeing the dentist natural and easy.

2. Taking your child to the dentist regularly helps your child develop good oral hygiene habits. 

It’s important not to skip trips to the dentist. Taking your child to the dentist consistently at the same time each year helps your child develop good oral hygiene habits. These are habits that your child will take with you into adulthood.

3. It’s easier to schedule a dental appointment before the school year begins.

Once the school year begins, your child will be busy with classes and after school extracurricular activities. Don’t wait to schedule the appointment, because once school begins, taking them to the dentist gets harder!

Do you need to make an appointment for your child’s dental exam in Jacksonville, FL? If so, contact the dentist at Mandarin Dentistry. We’re looking forward to cleaning your child’s teeth and answering your questions about their oral health!

Chipped Tooth? 3 Solutions to Restore Your Smile

A chipped tooth can be a frustrating and even painful problem. If you’ve chipped your tooth, it’s important to get help from your dentist in Jacksonville, FL as soon as possible.

For some people, a chipped tooth is a cosmetic problem. For others, a chipped tooth can lead to dental infection and a lot of pain. If you’ve chipped your tooth, the professionals at Mandarin Dentistry can help with restorative dentistry. Below are three restorative dentistry procedures to help fix your tooth and restore your smile.

1. Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a cover placed over the front of your tooth to hide cosmetic defects. The cover is affixed to the front of your tooth to make your teeth look even and consistent. To install a dental veneer, the dentist must shave down your tooth to make space for the veneer.

2. Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a composite resin attached to the tooth enamel to cover up cosmetic defects like chips, cracks, and gaps in the teeth. Dental bonding is tooth-colored, so it looks very natural. Unlike dental veneers, bonding is not a permanent solution. Bonding can last for a few years but eventually will chip off and need to be replaced.

3. Dental Crown

A dental crown is a thin, tooth-shaped cap placed over the top of the tooth. Dental crowns protect weakened tooth enamel and may be placed over your tooth if damage is extensive.

Are you interested in dental restoration in Jacksonville, FL? If so, contact your dental professionals at Mandarin Dentistry. Chipped teeth can be fixed! Make an appointment to get started today.

Professional Teeth Whitening: Why it Beats Over the Counter

Your teeth have been through a lot. Coffee, tea, smoking, drinking, aging, and even the occasional snack can discolor them. Your teeth may be healthy, but you may not unlock your smile’s full potential by simply brushing and flossing.

If you’re tired of using over-the-counter whitening solutions, professional teeth whitening is extremely effective, and we can make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter, depending on your goals.

The team at Mandarin Dentistry of Jacksonville, FL, is proud to serve the local community with top-notch dental care services, including professional teeth whitening so that your smile can shine as bright as your newfound confidence.

Why Trust Us and Skip the Store-Bought Stuff?

We get it. Drugstore whitening kits are convenient, but they can’t compete with the professional material.

Here’s why you should consider choosing professional whitening:

  • Super Strength: Our team uses stronger whitening gels that really work. They are completely safe and don’t use any harmful chemicals. Plus, professional whitening gets the job done faster.
  • Expert Hands: Our dentist knows exactly what they’re doing. They’ll protect your gums and ensure the whitening gel is applied evenly for the best results.
  • Instant Gratification: Want a dazzling smile for a special event? In-office whitening delivers results you can see and love immediately.

Your Partners in Dental Care Excellence

If you have been thinking about professional whitening, it’s time to put yourself first. Invest in your smile by ditching the over-the-counter options and choosing professional whitening with our clinic.

We are passionate about helping you achieve your smile goals, and we look forward to seeing you shine brighter and exude more confidence than ever.

During your next appointment with the team at Mandarin Dentistry of Jacksonville, FL, you can be sure you are receiving the best possible care and guidance that you and your family deserve.

How Can I Tell If My Child Has a Cavity?

Cavities can disrupt meals and sleep, causing pain and discomfort. It’s hard enough to deal with a cavity if you have one, but if your child has a cavity, it’s even more difficult. Your dentist in Jacksonville, FL can help.

At Mandarin Dentistry, we provide cavity fillings for children and adults, to help them feel more comfortable. As a parent, it’s helpful to know what a cavity is, what the symptoms of a cavity are, and what you should do if your child has a cavity.

What Is a Cavity?

A cavity is an area of tooth decay on a tooth. The cavity creates a pit in the tooth enamel. As it grows, the pit can become painful. If a cavity is allowed to progress long enough, it could lead to an infection in the tooth, necessitating a root canal. Catching a cavity in its earlier stages can simplify treatment.

What Are the Signs of a Cavity?

If your child has consistent pain in a tooth or one area of the mouth, this could be a sign of a cavity. There are other signs as well.

  • Discoloration on the tooth (brown or black)
  • Hole in the tooth
  • Sensitivity to heat, cold, and sugary foods or drinks
  • Pain when your child bites down
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away when your child brushes their teeth

Some children (especially young ones) have a hard time answering questions about their discomfort because they don’t always know what’s wrong. If you suspect something is wrong, talk to your child’s dentist.

What Should I Do If I Think My Child Has a Cavity?

If you think your child has a cavity, it’s important to bring them to the dentist for cavity fillings in Jacksonville, FL. At Mandarin Dentistry, we provide two types of cavity fillings: amalgam (silver) and composite (tooth-colored). There are benefits to both types of fillings. Amalgam fillings are long-lasting and durable, while composite fillings are made from a tooth-colored material that is far less noticeable.

We can help you decide which type of fillings are best for your child. Call today to make an appointment and learn more.

Your Child Lost a Permanent Tooth? Steps to Take

Losing a permanent tooth can be a very upsetting problem! If your child has lost a permanent tooth, it’s important to get help from your child’s dentist in Jacksonville, FL as soon as possible. At Mandarin Dentistry, we help patients having dental emergencies like the loss of a permanent tooth. Below are the steps you should take if your child has this kind of dental emergency.

Find the Tooth and Clean It

If the tooth has been knocked out of your child’s mouth, find the tooth as quickly as possible. When you pick it up, pick it up by the crown. The crown is the part that sticks out of the gums and chews food. Do not pick up the tooth by the root.

Holding the tooth by the crown, rinse the tooth off with saliva, milk, or saline solution.

Put the Tooth Back In

Put your tooth somewhere that it can be safe. Believe it or not, the best place for your child’s tooth is back in the mouth that it came out of. If you can, put the tooth (roots first) back in the hole. If your child can’t do this, have them hold their tooth in the cheek of their mouth. If your child can’t handle either of these options, put the tooth in milk.

Seek Help – Fast!

Call your child’s dentist at Mandarin Dentistry to let us know you’re on your way! It’s important to get your child to the dentist as quickly as possible. At Mandarin Dentistry, we offer dental emergency services in Jacksonville, FL. Call today to get help fast.