4 Common Questions (and Answers!) about Dental Veneers

If your teeth have cosmetic defects like stains, gaps, chips, or cracks, you may need help from a dentist in Jacksonville, FL. Your dentist may recommend dental veneers. A dental veneer is a tooth-shaped, wafer-thin cover placed over the front of your teeth.

Dental veneers cover up cosmetic defects and make your teeth look beautiful. You can install dental veneers to cover up one tooth or all your teeth. Below, we’ve listed four questions that patients commonly have about dental veneers.

1. Who benefits from getting dental veneers?

You can benefit from getting dental veneers if your teeth have minor cosmetic problems that can’t be fixed with other tools. For example, if you have a tooth that has a small crack in the tooth enamel, a dental veneer can cover the crack. If your teeth have discolorations that aren’t fixed with whitening, then dental veneers can make your teeth look white again.

2. Do dental veneers look natural?

Dental veneers are made to look natural. Your dentist will even choose a dental veneer that coordinates with the color of your other teeth, to ensure the dental veneer looks like it belongs there.

3. How long do dental veneers last?

Dental veneers can last as long as 15 years. If the veneer breaks, it will need to be replaced.

4. How are dental veneers maintained?

Brush your dental veneers twice per day with non-abrasive toothpaste. See your dentist twice per year for checkups.

If you have more questions about dental veneers in Jacksonville, FL, contact us. We’re happy to answer your questions to help you decide if dental veneers are the right tool.

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