Entries by Dr. Megan Moshea, DDS

What Is Dental Bonding? Can It Help Me?

Do you have chips in one of your teeth, or maybe a small gap between two teeth that you just wish wasn’t there? You may feel like there’s nothing you can do about this, but you have options. When you visit the dentist in Jacksonville FL, ask about dental bonding. Dental bonding is a relatively simple […]

Do Dental Veneers Ruin Natural Teeth?

Dental veneers remain a popular form of cosmetic dentistry in Jacksonville, FL, and other cities throughout the world. Even celebrities have chosen to get veneers due to the realistic look that they provide. Veneers are ideal for addressing imperfections such as permanently discolored teeth, chipped teeth, gaps, and more. Yet, some people hesitate to consider them […]

How Can I Make My Dental Veneers Last?

Dental veneers are a dental tool that can cover a variety of cosmetic problems, such as a gaps between teeth, chips, misshapen tooth enamel, and stains. A dental veneer is a cover designed to fit over the front of the tooth, hiding imperfections and giving your teeth a consistent appearance. As your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, […]

5 Ways to Care for Your Teeth This Summer

This summer is coming fast; when it arrives, it’s time to go on vacation and attend family reunions. It’s important to take care of your teeth during the summer months. You can avoid dental problems like cavities and tooth damage by taking good care of your teeth and keeping up with your oral hygiene routine. […]