How Can I Tell If My Child Has a Cavity?

Cavities can disrupt meals and sleep, causing pain and discomfort. It’s hard enough to deal with a cavity if you have one, but if your child has a cavity, it’s even more difficult. Your dentist in Jacksonville, FL can help.

At Mandarin Dentistry, we provide cavity fillings for children and adults, to help them feel more comfortable. As a parent, it’s helpful to know what a cavity is, what the symptoms of a cavity are, and what you should do if your child has a cavity.

What Is a Cavity?

A cavity is an area of tooth decay on a tooth. The cavity creates a pit in the tooth enamel. As it grows, the pit can become painful. If a cavity is allowed to progress long enough, it could lead to an infection in the tooth, necessitating a root canal. Catching a cavity in its earlier stages can simplify treatment.

What Are the Signs of a Cavity?

If your child has consistent pain in a tooth or one area of the mouth, this could be a sign of a cavity. There are other signs as well.

  • Discoloration on the tooth (brown or black)
  • Hole in the tooth
  • Sensitivity to heat, cold, and sugary foods or drinks
  • Pain when your child bites down
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away when your child brushes their teeth

Some children (especially young ones) have a hard time answering questions about their discomfort because they don’t always know what’s wrong. If you suspect something is wrong, talk to your child’s dentist.

What Should I Do If I Think My Child Has a Cavity?

If you think your child has a cavity, it’s important to bring them to the dentist for cavity fillings in Jacksonville, FL. At Mandarin Dentistry, we provide two types of cavity fillings: amalgam (silver) and composite (tooth-colored). There are benefits to both types of fillings. Amalgam fillings are long-lasting and durable, while composite fillings are made from a tooth-colored material that is far less noticeable.

We can help you decide which type of fillings are best for your child. Call today to make an appointment and learn more.

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