Professional Teeth Whitening: Why it Beats Over the Counter

Your teeth have been through a lot. Coffee, tea, smoking, drinking, aging, and even the occasional snack can discolor them. Your teeth may be healthy, but you may not unlock your smile’s full potential by simply brushing and flossing.

If you’re tired of using over-the-counter whitening solutions, professional teeth whitening is extremely effective, and we can make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter, depending on your goals.

The team at Mandarin Dentistry of Jacksonville, FL, is proud to serve the local community with top-notch dental care services, including professional teeth whitening so that your smile can shine as bright as your newfound confidence.

Why Trust Us and Skip the Store-Bought Stuff?

We get it. Drugstore whitening kits are convenient, but they can’t compete with the professional material.

Here’s why you should consider choosing professional whitening:

  • Super Strength: Our team uses stronger whitening gels that really work. They are completely safe and don’t use any harmful chemicals. Plus, professional whitening gets the job done faster.
  • Expert Hands: Our dentist knows exactly what they’re doing. They’ll protect your gums and ensure the whitening gel is applied evenly for the best results.
  • Instant Gratification: Want a dazzling smile for a special event? In-office whitening delivers results you can see and love immediately.

Your Partners in Dental Care Excellence

If you have been thinking about professional whitening, it’s time to put yourself first. Invest in your smile by ditching the over-the-counter options and choosing professional whitening with our clinic.

We are passionate about helping you achieve your smile goals, and we look forward to seeing you shine brighter and exude more confidence than ever.

During your next appointment with the team at Mandarin Dentistry of Jacksonville, FL, you can be sure you are receiving the best possible care and guidance that you and your family deserve.

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