What’s Considered a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies happen every single day. From severe toothaches to bleeding gums, there are several different emergencies to consider. No matter the dental problem you’re facing, Mandarin Dentistry is here to help! We have a skilled team of experienced dentists who can tackle any dental issue. Call us today for top-of-the-line emergency dental care in Jacksonville, FL!

In this post, we’ll talk about what’s considered a dental emergency.

Dental Emergencies

Unfortunately, a wide variety of issues can happen with your oral health. In some cases, the problem may require immediate care. This is called a dental emergency.

Take a look at what’s considered a dental emergency below:

Bad Toothache

While a minor toothache is normal, experiencing stabbing or severe pain is cause for concern. First, make sure you don’t have food lodged between your teeth. If the pain is still there, take over-the-counter pain medication and head to the dentist as soon as possible. You could have an underlying infection or another problem.

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is a sign of an infection. Resembling a pimple, these pus-filled pockets are located on your gums and can cause a great deal of pain. If left untreated, these infections can damage your surrounding bone and dental tissue.

Severely Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth can expose the tooth root and surrounding area, creating a path for bacteria to enter. Unfortunately, this can lead to a problematic infection. Make sure to put gauze on the area to limit bleeding before seeing an emergency dentist.

Emergency Dental Care at Mandarin Dentistry

Other common dental emergencies include knocked-out teeth, lost or damaged dental restorations, painful soft tissue injuries, and extruded teeth. If you experience any of these issues, contact Mandarin Dentistry for the immediate care you need. Choose our skilled dentist in Jacksonville, FL, today!

Possible Causes of Swollen Gums

When you visit yourJacksonville, FL, dentist, one of the things that your dentist looks for is swollen gums. Healthy gums aren’t swollen, so this condition means that something is going on that shouldn’t be. It may not be serious, but it could be, so it’s important to have a general idea of the possible causes of swollen gums. That way, if this happens to you in between dentist visits, you can have a better idea of what to do about it.

Poor Oral Hygiene

When you brush, floss and rinse after every meal, your teeth and gums have a better chance of remaining healthy. If you find that your gums appear to be swollen, the reason could be that you’re not maintaining proper oral hygiene. If you feel that you are, consider if you’re using the best toothbrush and brushing method. Change your toothbrush often, and keep it clean in between uses to prevent re-infection with bacteria.

Dental Infections

Certain dental infections, such as a tooth abscess, can cause gums to swell around the affected site. Typically, you would experience some pain or tenderness in the area, too, so this is another clue that the reason for the swelling may be due to an infection. If you notice a pus discharge when you press against the gums, this is another sign of an infection. Dental infections should be treated as soon as possible to prevent spreading.

Something Stuck in the Gums

Sometimes, a sliver of food can get stuck in the gums. This is especially true of popcorn, where the hull of the popcorn can adhere to the surface of the tooth and make its way beneath the gum line. If you choose to snack on popcorn, be sure to carefully brush your teeth afterward in order to avoid this problem. If gums are swollen only around one tooth, it may, in fact, be a small piece of food that’s made its way to the wrong place. A close visual inspection should help. But if the swelling persists, see your dentist.

Contact Mandarin Dentistry for all your general dentistry needs in Jacksonville, FL, or for specialized dental services. We look forward to helping you achieve your best possible smile!